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    Berita dan Kegiatan

IA AR ITB memiliki beberapa kegiatan rutin diantaranya adalah : . Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut merupakan sarana silaturahmi sekaligus berbagi kepada sesama alumni.

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    Laporan Keuangan

IA AR ITB membuat laporan keuangan secara kontinyu setiap bulan. Laporan keuangan tersebut merupakan bentuk pertanggungjawaban Pengurus kepada para alumni Arsitektur ITB, terlait dengan pengumpulan dana dan pemanfatannya setiap bulan dan pada kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu.

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Tapak Bumi

Tapak Bumi (TaBu) Village

Tapak Bumi (TaBu) Village once built through a dream, the dreams to save civilization with design and technology. Developed with concept Eco Village, Energy-Economics-Environment, where the energy used are; wind turbine power and solar panel, onwards there will be development of using wave energy and biomass. The economy sustained by north coastal area potency of Banten, and the environment is made suit to environmental friendly with using the natural materials and also to maximize interaction with outside of Tapak Bumi Village community.

It had been past twelve months the village is built, above the milky fishpond and sand mud mounds which only 4 meter wide. Broadness around 4 hectare areas, located in north coastal area of Serang City and facing to Banten Bay, Java Sea. Almost the entire territory is brackish water fortified by mangrove forest from wave’s breaker from Banten Bay. The rest is mud mixed with sand mounded as footpath to access and that’s mounds are places to dump the mud from milky fishponds excavation. Only the weeds, shrubs and certain tree species such as china’s petai and tamarind trees can grow and stay on top of dry and bareness.

The village is very close to Port Karangantu, formerly known as the International Trade Seaport era Sultanate of Banten. At its mouth back and forth ships of foreign merchants who traded spices, ceramics, cloth or other goods. In the surrounding settlements grow, markets, places of worship and the rise of the fort as a trading activity.

Now, the port is a memory with a lighthouse which not so high and became a silent witness of past history, there is no longer foreign merchants who offers goods trade. Now there are only some traditional boats carrying fishermen fishes to Bugis’s village, or bold timbers from Sumatra and Kalimantan and a small ferry carrying passengers to Panjang Island, Burung Island and Tunda Island. Estuary of the river now shallow and the color brackish water is brown and blackish. On the side of the river there are settlements of fishermen and traditional markets which look unorganized and shabby. On the edge of that estuary or Karangantu Bay, they established the first Banten villages. Maybe it’s been decades, because there is no clear record history. Life relies on tangled net fish and a perforated boat. Local people stay with shelter in typical Bugis houses on stilts that started crumbling. Clean water was hard to find, while all waste disposals are directed to Karangantu River. Many of local fishermen are trapped by loan sharks. Usually they have fish nets and boat provided by the financier/ fish broker, then catcher from the sea must be sold to that financier/ fish broker. Sometimes they could sell the catcher in the middle of the sea. Fish auction was already shut and replaced by the fish market which is always empty. The river and the sea are now shallow and got polluted. Not friendly season sometimes made them hard to go to the sea. They still stand for life, either to how many generations later. These days at the end of estuary, people spend time fishing and just wait for dusk.

From the end of the estuary is one of the closest paths to the Tapak Bumi village, located about 800 meters. By walking through foot tracks on sand mud mounds, overgrown with weeds, bushes and a couple of china petai trees and tamarind trees. As far as the eye could see, only a vast expanse of fishponds in the east, the north side  there are mangrove forests, in the south to the west rises Mount Karang, Mount Pinang, Mount Aseupan, Mount Santri and other hills. With the heat of the sun reach to 36? C will accompany our footsteps toward the village, on the sky we could see 'coet' birds flies and shouting 'coet..coet..coet', and we can feel the coastal windblown up to 15 m/s, Banten Bay waves and the roar of the engine of fishing boats. Occasionally wild duck (local people called it ‘kuntul’ or ‘blekok’ birds) will be seen flying low because they feel disturbed by human footsteps. Some of them perched on a mangrove trees, some also patient waiting for the fish in the fishpond. Sometimes, these steps also disturb peace ‘wideng’ (small crabs that live in ponds), which went into the holes made in his home on the edge of the pond, and fish 'bloso' which went crawling as if they have feet on their skin. When sea water high came through the canals, you'll see the fishes swimming toward streams, when obstructed by a fence made of woven bamboo that is placed by the fish farmers, then the fishes will fight to the forefront, more and more and emit silver sheen of the fish’s skin exposed by the sunlight, and eventually there will jump around like people who dancing. Everything is integrated into the experience of harmony and harmonious earth whiles the energy crisis and global warming.

Just before entering the village, there was the smell of fragrance that came out of the plants 'bagelan tikus' which grew up in the middle stretch of grass and shrubs. Leaves of plants can be used as organic vegetable dishes, shape and smelled like basil. The plants thrive above sand mud mounds, no one planted them or even provide fertilizer.

The village gate made of bamboo written Tapak Bumi Village Wong Banten. The residents still a few, there are couples new buildings. There are; home stay, exploration tower, windmill tower, small mosque, versatile huts (Gubuk Serba Guna) for meeting and the natural library, floating houses, tree house, rubber boats and tents. Because 80% of land is pond, then all the buildings are made with the stage system, using bamboo construction (peg system, some nails and bound with fibers), cubicle walls, floors of bamboo and the reed roof. While the rest is the land of sand mud mound (local called as 'galengan') with width about 2-5 meters elongated as if split the ponds. Galengan is used as road access for fishpond operations and maintenance, as well as disposal of dredged mud from the pond manually. The main products of fish pond are milky fish; the fish cultivation can be harvested every 3 months. Boundary of this ward is Banten Bay in the north, east and west is the canal that connects the Bay of Banten and south is the spread of fish ponds.

Village is one of the biggest potential sources in Indonesia. Scattered throughout the archipelago. From the village that we start our civilization, even our ancestors. Due to the needs a lot of people leave their homes back in village moved to big cities. As a result the village became deserted, abandoned by the people who actually have the potential to develop their villages. They catch a lot of life in the city, many are successful, but many more people who have touched bottom life.

It takes a strong dream to start work in the village, and many ways to show that we've started to love the village itself. Able to plant trees in their environment. Imagine if a person plants a tree and care it like his/her own child and every week at least one tree, then our environment will be beautiful and become the largest investment for our children and grandchildren on the future. Pick up trash which we seen them every time we walk around, separate the organic and inorganic waste from our homes. Minimum of once a week we set up a communal environment activities and work together to build public facilities.

My country can be strong because my village is manage well and tidy, then no longer need to move to big city to pursue life, sun and wind can be a source of abundant energy, fruit farms, paddy field, river and the sea can be a source of economic force, cultural and social life can be a source tourist attraction.

TaBu concept in the management of the Village is same as the concept of transmigration, provided the land, materials and concepts. All people can live and manage the potential that exists in the Village taboo. People who want to live in taboo Village should build the facilities in mutual assistance, patient, sincere and willing to follow environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Northern coast of Banten, generally consists of fish pond could say it is 80% brackish water, so that for residential development will be so many barriers that need clean water and mosquitoes. Even so for Tapak Bumi (TaBu) Village, about 20% just a form of land formed from mud and sand dredging the pond in the form of land extending to approximately upto 5m and called as ‘galengan’. Therefore, a residential concept applied in TaBu Village is "Floating Residential" so as not to interfering the milkfish cultivation as  the main economic source.

This floating residential dimension 5.6m x 11.2m, consisting of 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, common room, pantry, shed and deck. The model is inspired from the form of leaves floating on the pond with the material of bamboo and reeds / welit. Underneath, drums of plastic installed that serves floating house. Energy using solar and wind energy, disposal of dirty water uses that do not require biofil seepage (catchment wells) and bio-toilets which water efficient, the results of stool mixed with sawdust will become fertilizer for plants. The need for clean water will be supplied from sea water distillation equipment that use wind energy (Drinking with the wind). The floating shelters will be built in mutual cooperation by the people who live in TaBu Village. These shelters can be used as a home stay so that people can get additional income from renting these home stays. Hopefully, this concept could be one solution to coastal communities and still living in the banks of the river-banks.

Beside floating homes, there will be tree houses in the area of mangrove forests. The construction, walls, roof, electrical needs, water and disposal would be similar to the floating house, it just has different model. The shape will adapt to pattern of mangrove branches. Meanwhile, stilts houses are no different with the other residential, are located only on higher broad dry area. Stage system is used so as not to interfere with dredging pond when the pond getting shallow. The other shelters located in tents at galengan pond. Using tents that have become just as people want to camp. A unique type of dwelling in harmony with nature and this will be an attraction for people staying in the TaBu Village. To overcome the constraints of insects like mosquitoes, mosquito nets are provided in the bedroom, also planted with lavender flowers and betel leaves.

In addition to residential, TaBu village built a nature library for coastal children as learning facilities. This natural library was designed with the most environmentally friendly and have beautiful view. The model is very simple, rectangular shape with a size of 8 m x 15 m and consists of 2 floors. First floor is for discussion, study, where fishing and meeting room. While the second floor to the library, study room and hall. Materials are from bamboo to cover the roof of reeds/ welit. The direction of the building follows the form of land that extends from the east and west. The view facing to the south mountains which could be seen the highest peak is Mount Karang in Pandeglang and to the North is Mangrove Forest and the Banten Bay (Java Sea).

North coastal area is very well suited to serve as natural laboratories. Various research and technological applications can be applied. At Banten Bay, with no big waves so it should be able to build “bagang” or float fishing farm close to beach. It similar to floating homes for residential coastal communities only its very small. Sometimes, people often collect cockle shells to enjoy as fresh seafood meal. These days, wave’s energy can be used for wave power to produce electricity. Adjacent to the bay, there are mangrove forests that could be a fortress of waves and sea water abrasion. Lush forest into a gathering place for sea birds and other fauna such as mangrove crabs. Apart from wave power, energy sources that can be used also is the wind speed varies between 8 -15 m/s. From these wind speed, at least 3000 watts of electricity can be produced. Normally in dry season, the heat of the sun can reach temperatures of 36?C which is very potential for solar electricity power.

In addition to improve the physical and mental activity, TaBu plan to build the outbound facilities which consist of; flying fish, slingshots, mud baths, mangroves and ponds bike tracks. Term of “flying fish” is similar to flying fox, just have different location. Flying fish activity would fly across fish ponds and mangrove forests to finish at Banten Bay. Slingshot game also differ markedly air soft gun or paint ball, just the weapon used are different. The weapon is called the slingshot, which is a traditional weapon using a tree branch forked end like the letter V. Each branch tied with rubber and rubber was meeting the two held together with rubber pads to keep the bullets. The bullet is made from dough mud ponds. Each player must use protective equipment such as paint ball or air soft gun. Field which is used in the form of ponds and mangrove forests are certainly very challenging adrenaline as if the war in the swamps and the sea. For mud baths, which provide the pond with pond mud (locals called 'ndut'). This mud bath will create a separate sensation to skin care, although not yet scientifically proven. While mangroves tracks, such as jogging track, through the mangrove forest through the streets made of bamboo. And the last is the pond bike, biking across sand mud mounds/ pond’s galengan. Will be a unique experience and challenge in the rain with galengan the muddy conditions and wet.

Activities that can be done at present are:
  1. Discussions on the bamboo halls while enjoying nature Banten Bay coast.
  2. Enjoy traditional foods such as milkfish mud grilled, roasted crab, Pindang cob and other seafood. Especially for milkfish grilled mud, can look charred/ overcook, but the flesh is yummy, savory, sweet and sticky! Yes, that milkfish mud grilled was one taboo Village mainstay menu. These foods are made from fresh milkfish cultivation main product’s of TaBu Village, once removed it bowels, then covered with mud pond, then it is grilled until the mud dried, do not forget the hot traditional chili sauce! How to eat? That would be so easy, just peel the dried mud that had been covered to fish skin and the flesh will looks brownish, then mix with that hot chili sauce and don’t forget warm rice to enjoy with. Feel the pleasant you milkfish taste! Just imagine that then try it!
  3. Sleeping at a traditional bamboo’s home stay, floating house, tree house, or in tents.
  4. Fishing milkfish, mujair, payus, crabs and snapper.
  5. Photo hunting at Banten coastal bays, when sunrise and sunset.
  6. Pond’s biking sport, along a muddy embankment galengan and sandy with bushes and weeds that grow around it.
  7. Playing with rubber boat in the middle of the pond.
  8. Sailing to the Tunda island, Burung Island and Panjang Island.
  9. Base camp for religious tourism in the area of the Sultanate of Banten, nature tourism in the area such as Banten’s rafting, Baduy and so on.
  10. Planting trees.

Tapak Bumi Village (TaBu Village) this managed self-support passed by Eco Village Indonesia Network. Now it has already joined Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia/ Architectural Association of Indonesia (IAI) Banten branch, Perhimpunan Penjelajah Alam/ Nature Exploration Association (PPA) Jamadagni, Green Jungle Banten, Lebah Banten, Mailiser WongBanten, Rumah Dunia/ Home World, Forum Banten Bangkit/ Banten Rising Forum, Community Kampung Bugis, Kampong Demat, Office of Ports Fisheries Technical Karangantu and Building Construction (PTBG) Banten Province.

The programs to be implemented are:
  1. Facilities and Infrastructure Development of environmental friendly village, including: energy facilities, economy and environment. Facilities consist of energy solar energy and wind energy, economic and environmental facilities consist of a floating home stay, tree houses and tents, also  milkfish and crab cultivations, eco tourism, marine tourism, culinary tourism, religious tourism and outbound.
  2. Education and Training Environment-Friendly Lifestyle, nature of library development, natural laboratory and outbound facilities.
  3. The increase includes the implementation of Culture Local fishermen festival, kite festival, traditional games festival, and Ode Kampung and Banten cultural festivals.

Through those programs that we can be friends with nature and helped preserve the culture and environment. Looking ahead, this area will be a pilot project to arrange environmentally friendly villages in Indonesia, particularly in Banten!

For further info please click on Tapak Bumi.

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